A new beginning

New hair and a new site. Both have been a long time coming. After last year I needed to change things. So my hair went to blond a couple of weeks ago. It’s a big change and it took a long time for me to even recognise myself in the mirror. I haven’t been blond in… Continue reading A new beginning

Categorized as Work


  My first portrait since I bleached my hair. It’s like I’m awakened from a long long sleep. And now I feel spring in the air and joy in my heart. Have you ever felt like that?

Looking backwards and forwards

[tg_vimeo width=”” height=”” video_id=”158461116″] It’s good to now and then look back to what you have accomplished. It’s also good to look forward. What do you want to do? What fills your heart and soul and what diminishes it? Last year was a really low year for me but my art made me survive many of the… Continue reading Looking backwards and forwards

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