Spring joy

Spring has arrived, and with it comes a symphony of colors and scents in the form of beautiful flowers. They have a magical power that instantly lift my spirit and makes my heart dance with joy. As the spring sun kisses my skin, I can’t help but kick off my shoes and feel the soft… Continue reading Spring joy

Embracing spring – April

Spring, oh how it enchants and rejuvenates my soul! There’s something magical about this season, as if the world awakens from a deep slumber, transforming right before my eyes. It’s as if a gentle breeze whispers secrets in my ear, lifting the veil that cloaked nature’s true essence. With each passing day, the grip of… Continue reading Embracing spring – April

Wood anemone dance

Nature never ceases to amaze me! Witnessing the delicate beauty of a wood anemone unfurling it’s petals is a truly magical experience. I picked a few and took them inside to make a time-laps. It’s like watching them dance when they have light and warmth. I made five time lapses. Each one of the wood… Continue reading Wood anemone dance

Categorized as Video Tagged

Nothing is real – Matrix unfolded

Nothing is real. Everything is a construct. We are all but pawns in a grand cosmic game. Introducing my latest self-portrait, a glimpse into the labyrinth of perception where reality bends and fractures. Inspired by the enigmatic world of “The Matrix,” I invite you to dive into the depths of introspection and question the nature… Continue reading Nothing is real – Matrix unfolded

Categorized as Fine art

Helsinki in photos

I visited Helsinki in November both for work and to meet family. Here are some photos. Taken both with an iPhone and my Sony A7C Vanhankaupunginlahti bay area is a nature reserve almost in the middle of Finlands capital Helsinki. I took a morning walk on a grey morning. It’s a big are and I… Continue reading Helsinki in photos

My creative home studio

I’ve been in a of a slump resenly. I didn’t feel creative and every idea I had was kind of blah. So I wanted to try if a “make over” of my home studio and office would get those creative juices flowing. And I can say that it really worked. If you want to see… Continue reading My creative home studio

Categorized as Video

Yes, I’m on Youtube

This year I started doing Youtube videos around photography, creativity and art in different forms. Even if I have photographed for many years. To shoot videos is a new and different kind of experience with different skill sets and challenges. And I’m learning a lot from each video i shoot. Like How to use my… Continue reading Yes, I’m on Youtube

Categorized as Video
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